Original price was: $323.00.Current price is: $244.00.

It is closely connected to the spiritual realm and serves as a conduit to the angelic realm. Its high vibration and protective energy make it an excellent crystal to use with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. By working with this crystal, individuals can enhance their spiritual awareness, connect with their guardian angels, and gain insights from the angelic realm.

The inclusions contribute to the crystal’s unique energy and enhance its ability to facilitate communication with guardian angels. When held or meditated with, Amphibole Quartz can help individuals establish a stronger connection with their spiritual guides and receive guidance and support from the angelic realm.

This gemstone is also associated with past-life recall and lucid dreaming. Its energy can assist individuals in accessing their past lives and gaining insights into their spiritual journey. By working with this crystal during meditation or placing it under the pillow while sleeping, individuals may experience vivid dreams and enhanced dream recall.

Aprox 100 grams x 2″ x 2″

It is closely connected to the spiritual realm and serves as a conduit to the angelic realm. Its high vibration and protective energy make it an excellent crystal to use with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. By working with this crystal, individuals can enhance their spiritual awareness, connect with their guardian angels, and gain insights from the angelic realm.

The inclusions contribute to the crystal’s unique energy and enhance its ability to facilitate communication with guardian angels. When held or meditated with, Amphibole Quartz can help individuals establish a stronger connection with their spiritual guides and receive guidance and support from the angelic realm.

This gemstone is also associated with past-life recall and lucid dreaming. Its energy can assist individuals in accessing their past lives and gaining insights into their spiritual journey. By working with this crystal during meditation or placing it under the pillow while sleeping, individuals may experience vivid dreams and enhanced dream recall.